
Thursday, January 27, 2022

Why education systems should build environmental ethics into every subject [The Conversation, January 2022]

Why education systems should build environmental ethics into every subject
Bellarmine Nneji PhD 
Department of Educational Foundations & Lecturer in Philosophy of Education, Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education
The Conversation, 21 January 2022
From the article:
 One of the goals most of the world has agreed on is education for sustainable development. This means development that considers present concerns without compromising the interests of future generations. Nations develop through education that takes care of the present and the future.  
As I have argued in a paper on environmental ethics in education, I believe that the principles and ideas of sustainable development and consumption should be embedded in all aspects of education. Every course or subject in the school curriculum should contain these ideas. Education should give future leaders the critical thinking tools they will need in a dynamic society faced with serious climate change challenges. Almost every profession and livelihood has an impact on the environment.