
Sunday, September 18, 2022

Do you know about the new Grand Egyptian Museum, Egypt? [Estimated opening: November 2022]

Some facts about the Grand Egyptian Museum just outside Cairo, Egypt:
* Location:  "A site only two kilometers away from Egypt’s greatest monuments and the only remaining wonder of the ancient world – the Pyramids of Giza."
*  "It will be the largest archaeological museum complex in the world and host to more than 100,000 artifacts. For the first time ever, King Tut’s entire treasure collection will be on display alongside artifacts from pre-historic times through Egypt’s many thousands of years of pharaonic civilization through the [comparatively] more modern ancient Greek and Roman periods of Egyptian history."
* "Construction on the new museum began in earnest in 2005, but setbacks of environmental, financial, and political natures soon beset the ambitious project and monumental delays ensued."
Information from the