
Sunday, September 25, 2022

Can integrity issues encountered by a publisher inform best practices at institutions? Reflections from the World Conference on Research Integrity 2022 [MetaArXiv Preprints, 2022]

Can integrity issues encountered by a publisher inform best practices at institutions? Reflections from the World Conference on Research Integrity 2022
Noémie Aubert Bonn, Mark Hooper, Michael Streeter & Elizabeth Moylan
MetaArXiv Preprints, 25 July 2022
At the World Conference on Research Integrity in June 2022, we held a symposium session to discuss whether sharing information on research integrity and publishing ethics cases seen at a publisher could inform the training and support that researchers need from institutions. Here we reflect on the data and views presented and the discussion that followed. We recommend that all stakeholders involved in promoting research integrity pursue the following four goals to reshape research culture: adoption of a shared granular taxonomy that emphasises research quality; transparent reporting from publishers and institutions on the number and type of research integrity and publishing ethics cases seen annually; delivery of research integrity and publishing ethics training with emphasis on research quality; adoption of open research initiatives and the creation of healthy, inclusive and diverse work environments.