
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Primary and Secondary Education During Covid-19: Disruptions to Educational Opportunity During a Pandemic (Editor: Fernando M Reimers, Springer 2022)

Primary and Secondary Education During Covid-19: Disruptions to Educational Opportunity During a Pandemic
Fernando M. Reimers,
Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard university Cambridge, MA, USA
Springer, 2022 (Open Access)
ISBN 978-3-030-81499-1; ISBN 978-3-030-81500-4 (eBook)

This introductory chapter sets the stage for the book, explaining the goals, methods, and significance of the comparative study. The chapter situates the theoretical significance of the study with respect to research on education and inequality, and argues that the rare, rapid, and massive change in the social context of schools caused by the pandemic provides a singular opportunity to study the relative autonomy of educational institutions from larger social structures implicated in the reproduction of inequality. The chapter provides a conceptual educational model to examine the impact of COVID-19 on educational opportunity. The chapter describes the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic and how it resulted into school closures and in the rapid deployment of strategies of remote education. It examines available evidence on the duration of school closures, the implementation of remote education strategies, and known results in student access, engagement, learning, and well-being.