
Sunday, January 30, 2022

After a big year for cryptocurrencies, what’s on the horizon in 2022? [The Conversation, December 2021]

After a big year for cryptocurrencies, what’s on the horizon in 2022?
Erica Pimentel 
Assistant Professor, Smith School of Business, Queen's University, Ontario  
Bertrand Malsch 
Associate Professor of Accounting, Smith School of Business, Queen's University, Ontario  
Nathaniel Loh 
Junior Fellow of the CPA Ontario Centre for Corporate Reporting and Professionalism, Queen's University, Ontario
The Conversation, 13 December 2021
From the article:
We believe there are three main areas where cryptocurrencies will gain steam in the next year: greater acceptance of Bitcoin as a means of payment, increased regulatory scrutiny and a rise in NFT activity.