
Thursday, March 4, 2021

Research led by the Northwestern University - Scientists Achieve Breakthrough, Talking With Lucid Dreamers in Their Sleep-And There’s Now An App For That

Scientists Achieve Breakthrough, Talking With Lucid Dreamers in Their Sleep-And There’s Now An App For That
Good News Network, 28 February 2021

From the article:
Dreams take us to an alternative reality while we’re fast asleep. So, you might not expect that a person in the midst of a vivid dream would be able to perceive incoming questions and provide answers to them. But a new study led by Northwestern University researchers shows that, in fact, they can—and they developed an app for those who’d like to try it at home.

See also:

Real-time dialogue between experimenters and dreamers during REM sleep

Karen R. Konkoly [et al.]

Current Biology, 18 February 2021