
Thursday, March 11, 2021

Research led by Australian National University - Earth has a hidden layer, and no one knows exactly what it is - by Stephanie Pappas

Earth has a hidden layer, and no one knows exactly what it is 
Stephanie Pappas
Live Science, 8 March 2021
From the article:
Earth might have more layers than scientists thought.  
New research finds that there may be a hidden layer inside the Earth's solid inner core — an inner-inner core, if you will. The precise nature of this layer is mysterious, but it could have something to do with changes in the structure of iron under extreme temperatures and pressure. The study reveals that there is more complexity to the inner core than previously appreciated, said Jo Stephenson, a doctoral student in seismology at Australian National University in Canberra, who led the research.  
"It's not just a solid ball of iron," Stephenson told Live Science.