
Sunday, March 7, 2021

Microsoft Mesh aims to bring holographic virtual collaboration to all [Engadget, 2 March 2021]

Microsoft Mesh aims to bring holographic virtual collaboration to all
D. Hardawar
Engadget, 2 March 2021

From the article:
We were experiencing one of the first apps powered by Microsoft Mesh, the company's ambitious new attempt at unifying holographic virtual collaboration across multiple devices, be they VR headsets, AR (like HoloLens), laptops or smartphones. Powered by Microsoft's Azure cloud, Mesh isn't just an app, it's a platform that other developers can use to bring remote collaboration to their own software. If remote work is here to stay — and by most accounts, it is — Microsoft wants to be the company taking us beyond Zoom video chats, and towards holographic experiences that everyone can join.