
Friday, January 15, 2021

Chicago Living Corridors Webinar (9 December 2020) on Ecology of Illinois Dragonflies, by Marla Garrison (McHernry County College)

Webinar title:
Ecology and Illinois Dragonflies
Marla Garrison
Instructor of biology at McHenry County College
Chicago Living Corridors, 14 December 2020

Webinar description:
The aquatic insect order Odonata includes the dragonflies and damselflies - remarkable insects strongly tied to the wetlands and waterways in which they breed and develop. Their aquatic niches and habitat requirements in northern Illinois are under constant threat from human development which alters the hydrology of the systems upon which they rely. 
This webinar will: 
* provide an overview of their complex life cycle and natural history; 
* consider the specific needs of, and stressors on, local species; 
* evaluate critical areas for conservation within the Chicago Living Corridors map; and, 
* offer suggestions for how citizen scientists and private landowners can become involved in the monitoring and conservation of these essential creatures.

Note from blog owner:
Excellent presentation & beautiful photos!