Title of Virtual Event:
Chilean National Theater will exhibit unpublished works for all citizens
[Teatro Nacional Chileno exhibirá obras inéditas para toda la ciudadanía]
Universidad De Chile (University of Chile), 15 October 2020
From the article:
"Delusions of captivity" is the name of the exhibition that will be promoted by the Chilean National Theater as part of the 2020 Arts Forum program. The initiative will present seven works of a single category for all citizens, virtually and free of charge, opening up reflection on the multiple questions surrounding the pandemic and the social outbreak.
["Delirios de cautiverio" es el nombre de la exhibición que impulsará el Teatro Nacional Chileno como parte de la programación del Foro de las Artes 2020. La iniciativa presentará de manera virtual y gratuita siete obras de categoría única para toda la ciudadanía, abriendo la reflexión sobre las múltiples interrogantes en torno a la pandemia y el estallido social.]
Friday, 23 October 2020 at 8pm
"Dinosaurs in my window" / "Dinosaurios en mi ventana" - Raúl Riquelme
Saturday, 24 October 2020 at 8 pm
"Community" / "Comunidad" - Camila Le-Bert