
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

University of Cambridge & Ghent University - An ancient Roman city has been fully mapped using ground-penetrating radar

An ancient Roman city has been fully mapped using ground-penetrating radar

Jennifer Ouellette

Arstechnica, 14 June 2020

From the article:
Falerii Novi was once a walled town just north of Rome, likely founded around 241 BC as a relocation site for a Falisci tribe that had rebelled against the Romans. Located on a volcanic plateau, archaeologists surmise that the new site was chosen because it wasn't as easy to defend, thereby discouraging further uprisings. There were likely some 2,500 residents during the third and fourth centuries BC. The ruins are deep underground, but a team of archaeologists from the University of Cambridge and Ghent University in Belgium have used ground-penetrating radar (GPR) to map the complete city. They described their findings in a recent paper in the journal Antiquity.