
Friday, June 5, 2020

Lessons from Sierra Leone's Ebola pandemic on the impact of school closures on girls [The Conversation, 20 May 2020]

Lessons from Sierra Leone's Ebola pandemic on the impact of school closures on girls

Imran Rasul, Andrea Smurra &Oriana Bandiera

The Conversation, 20 May 2020

From the article:
In this article, we consider what we might learn based on our earlier research from the 2014-2016 Ebola epidemic in West Africa. This was the “longest, largest, deadliest, and … most complex [Ebola outbreak] in history.”

We consider, in particular, the impact on young women of the closure of all primary and secondary schools through the 2014-2015 academic year. Using the findings from our own study we highlight the consequences of the closures and propose interventions to counter these adverse impacts.