
Monday, May 25, 2020

Medical Xpress, 14 May 2020 - Once a coronavirus vaccine exists, this researcher's mailable patch could deliver it to millions

Once a coronavirus vaccine exists, this researcher's mailable patch could deliver it to millions

Greg Weatherford, Virginia Commonwealth University

Medical Xpress, 14 May 2020

From the article:
"Someday, hundreds of millions of vaccinations against the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 could show up in people's mailboxes and be applied as simply as slapping on a Band-Aid.

That's the vision of Guizhi "Julian" Zhu, Ph.D., at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy.  

Zhu, an assistant professor in the school's Department of Pharmaceutics, is researching a way to use tiny needles embedded in a small patch to give vaccinations."