
Monday, March 16, 2020

TAKE NOTE re Scholarly Articles: COVID-19: Novel Coronavirus content FREE TO ACCESS from Wiley Online Library & list of most recent articles

Recent articles from Wiley Online Library (free access):

* Cárdenas‐Conejo, Y. [et al.]. (13 March 2020). An exclusive 42 amino acid signature in pp1ab protein provides insights into the evolutive history of the 2019 novel human‐pathogenic coronavirus (SARS‐CoV2). Journal of Medical Virology

* Lung, J. [et al.]. (13 March 2020). The potential chemical structure of anti‐SARS‐CoV‐2 RNA‐dependent RNA polymerase. Journal of medical Virology

* Wang, C. [et al.]. (13 March 2020). The establishment of reference sequence for SARS‐CoV‐2 and variation analysis. Journal of medical Virology

* Zhu, W. [et al.]. (13 March 2020). Initial clinical features of suspected Coronavirus Disease 2019 in two emergency departments outside of Hubei, China. Journal of medical Virology

* Long, Y. [et al.]. (13 March 2020). Effectiveness of N95 respirators versus surgical masks against influenza: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine

* Zhuang, Q. [et al.]. (12 March 2020). Surveillance and Taxonomic Analysis of the Coronavirus Dominant in Pigeons in China. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases

* Chen, Q. [et al.]. (12 March 2020).A report of clinical diagnosis and treatment of 9 cases of coronavirus disease 2019. Journal of Medical Virology.

* Li, L. [et al.]. (12 March 2020). 2019 novel coronavirus patients’ clinical characteristics, discharge rate and fatality rate of meta‐analysis. Journal of Medical Virology

* Garnier-Crussard, A. [et al.]. (12 March 2020). Novel Coronavirus (COVID‐19) Epidemic: What Are the Risks for Older Patients? Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

* Ton, A.T. [et al.]. (11 March 2020). Rapid Identification of Potential Inhibitors of SARS‐CoV‐2 Main Protease by Deep Docking of 1.3 Billion Compounds. Molecular Informatics

* Zhu, F. [et al.]. (11 March 2020). Co‐infection of SARS‐CoV‐2 and HIV in a patient in Wuhan city, China. Journal of Medical Virology.

* Conway, M.J. (11 March 2020). Identification of Coronavirus Sequences in Carp cDNA from Wuhan, China. Journal of Medical Virology

* Kandeel, M. [et al.]. (11 March 2020). From SARS and MERS CoVs to SARS‐CoV‐2: moving toward more biased codon usage in viral structural and non‐structural genes. Journal of Medical Virology

* Poon, L.C. [et al.]. (11 March 2020). ISUOG Interim Guidance on 2019 novel coronavirus infection during pregnancy and puerperium: information for healthcare professionals. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology

* Conforti, C. [et al.]. (11 March 2020). COVID‐19 and psoriasis: is it time to limit treatment with immunosuppressants? A call for action. Dermatologic Terapy

* Thomson, G.A. (11 March 2020). Where are we now with COVID‐19? The International Journal of Clinical Practice

* Chenoweth, A.M. [et al.]. (11 March 2020). Harnessing the immune system via FcγR function in immune therapy: A pathway to next‐gen mAbs. Immunology & Cell Biology

* Joob, B. & Wiwanitkit, V. (10 March 2020).  Frequency of arrhythmia in novel coronavirus 2019 infection. Journal of Arrhythmia

CLICK HERE to view ALL Novel Coronavirus Outbreak articles, covering the period December 2019 to present, in the Wiley Online Library.