
Saturday, March 14, 2020

Scholarly Article (2020) - Integration of Cloud Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages in Higher Education Institutions

Integration of Cloud Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages in Higher Education Institutions

Iryna L. Pokrovska, Tetiana M. Kolodko, Zamina K. Aliyeva, Iryna V. Tymoshchuk & Ruslan V. Vakariuk

From the abstract:
"This study was aimed at summarizing theoretical knowledge of students studying Economics, enhancing the educational process and training skills of independent long-term professional upgrade of students (sustainability training) through the use of an English-taught training program implemented through the use of MS Office 365 cloud services. The variational traits studied were identified: educational motivation, self-confidence, cognitive and creative skills. The study used methods that are recommended for quantitative research, namely: Rasch’s models for measuring academic motivation, methods for determining the level of academic confidence; methods of diagnosis of cognitive reflection and decision making, and a questionnaire to determine the level of creativity of thinking."

Pokrovska, I.L. [et al.]. (2020). Integration of Cloud Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages in Higher Education Institutions. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 19(2). Available: