
Friday, March 20, 2020

On a lighter (& more peaceful) note: Find Your Serenity in These Awe-Inspiring Views of Earth From Space

Find Your Serenity in These Awe-Inspiring Views of Earth From Space

Michelle Starr

ScienceAlert, 20 March 2020

From the article:
"From our vantage point here on the surface, it might not seem like it sometimes, but we live on a breathtakingly gorgeous world. And it's incredibly special. Of all the over 4,000 exoplanets scientists have found out there in the wider galaxy so far, none is exactly like Earth."

Michelle Starr also says:
"Astronauts, when they look back down on Earth, report intense emotions and a shift in perception on seeing that sight, in person, with their own eyes. They feel suffused with wonder, a deep understanding that we humans are all inhabiting this world together, with all our struggles and striving. That we are all connected.  

This is called the Overview Effect, and while looking at pictures and videos taken from space cannot capture it entirely, there's something wonderfully soothing and serene about gazing at our planet from a perspective we don't usually enjoy."

Included in this article are a number of beautiful videos to watch.

To read this article & watch videos: