Would you want a personal AI that knows everything about you?
Vanessa Bates Ramirez
SingularityHub, 22 December 2019
Directly quoted from the article:
The AI Foundation, which describes itself as "a non-profit and a for-profit organization working to move the world forward withh AI responsible," is developing a tool that will let anyone build their own AI. Those at the Foundation believe that personalizing and distributing the power of AI, as opposed to having it concentrated and controlled by a select few, will help unleash its full potential. They emphasize that the AIs built using their tool will possess each user's unique values and goals, and will help users overcome limitations we're currently subject to in the non-personal-AI world.
It's a lofty vision and, it seems, a noble one. But what it would actually look like, in practice, for us to have artificially intellent versions of ourselves?
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