A unique experiment in serving the educationally undeserved
David A. Bergeron
HigherEducationToday (a higher education blog by the American Council on Education), 13 November 2019
From this article:
"As a federal higher education policy advisor and regulator, I often struggled to reconcile the goal of greater access for older adults with the lack of meaningful outcomes. Certainly, there are examples of high-performing public, private nonprofit and private, for-profit institutions that could justify continued federal investment, albeit with greater consumer disclosure and under stricter regulatory requirements. However, the problems of poor retention and graduation rates, particularly among students that had been out of the educational system for some time, often seemed unsolvable, despite a century of reliance on peer review-based accreditation that was expected to gradually - but inevitably - improve outcomes.
At the same time that federal officials were trying to address these challenges, the founders of College Unbound were working to develop and perfect a model that shows great promise for achieving significantly better outcomes for working adults and others that have been poorly served by our nation's more traditional colleges and universities."
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