Men think they're better liars
University of Portsmouth
Medical Xpress, 20 December 2019
From this short article:
"Men are twice as likely as women to consider themselves to be good at lying and at getting away with it, new research has found.
People who excel at lying are good talkers and tell more lies than others, usually to family, friends, romantic partners and colleagues, according to the research led by Dr. Brianna Verigin, at the University of Portsmouth."
To read this article:
More information:
Brianna L. Verigin, Ewout H. Meijer, Glynis Bogaard & Aldert Vrij. Lie prevalence, lie characteristics and strategies of self-reported good liars. PLOS ONE, 3 December 2019.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0225566