
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Oxford Debates 'University of the Future' on Friday, 27 September 2019

Oxford Debate

'University of the Future'

Friday, 27 September 2019

The Academic Lounge, 2 Woodin's Way, Oxford, UK

Topics for discussion:
  1. Does a crisis of classical university models exist on the way from Industrial to Digital Era?
  2. Your concept and aims of the University of the Future.
  3. What will be a business model for universities?
  4. What will be the university campus of the future?
  5. What and how will university students study?
  6. What role do colleges play for continuing education?
  7. How to engage students to university model development?
  8. Does college education help develop practical skills and to find a job faster? Should the syllabus be changed drastically?
  9. Does a college have any future without effective online education strategy, mixed education, implementation of digital studies?
  10. Universities should coorperate, not compete with each other. Are you ready to initiate communications, liaisons, and joint projects with other colleges around the world?
For more information and to register: