Here are some statistical reports to take note of:
1) 2019 World Population by Country
The current world population estimate is just over 7.7 billion people. According to this report, China has the largest population, followed by India in second place ,and the United States of America in third place.
2) 2019 Education Rankings by Country
"The best countries for education are ranked based on a perception-based global survey, which used a compilation of scores from three equally-weighted attributes: a well-developed public education system, would consider attending university there, and provides top-quality education."
3) 2019 Safest Countries in The World
"A total of 163 countries are featured in the report. There are 23 different indicators used to determine how safe or how dangerous a country is. These factors are broken into these categories:
*Ongoing International and Domestic Conflict
*Societal Safety and Security