
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Short article: This Will Be The Biggest Disruption In Higher Education

Brandon Busteed (2019) in an article titled This Will Be The Biggest Disruption In Higher Education, stated: 
"In the near future, a substantial number of students (including many of the most talented) will go straight to work for employers that offer a good job along with a college degree and ultimately a path to a great career. 

This shift will go down as the biggest disruption in higher education whereby colleges and universities will be disintermediated by employers and job seekers going direct. Higher education won’t be eliminated from the model; degrees and other credentials will remain valuable and desired, but for a growing number of young people they’ll be part of getting a job as opposed to college as its own discrete experience."

To read the full article:
Busteed, B. (2019). This will be the biggest disruption in higher education. Retrieved from