
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Psychological grit is over-rated as the key to retention in distance education: a South African study debunks the myth [The Conversation, February 2023]

Psychological grit is over-rated as the key to retention in distance education: a South African study debunks the myth
Kelly Anne Young
Senior Researcher, University of South Africa
The Conversation, 21 February 2023
From the article:
Psychological grit has garnered a lot of interest in the last decade, particularly in the higher education arena. It’s typically defined as passion and perseverance for long-term goals. A great deal has been written about it and the role it plays in the retention and success of tertiary students. Kelly Anne Young explored the role grit played in determining postgraduate retention among historically disadvantaged students enrolled at the University of South Africa (Unisa) – the largest provider of open, distance e-learning in Africa.