
Sunday, June 5, 2022

Social Selectivity in Higher Education: A Case Study of Canada and the Czech Republic [Scholarly Article - AJER, 2022]

Social Selectivity in Higher Education: A Case Study of Canada and the Czech Republic
Sean Hellingman, Wilfrid Laurier University 
Petr Mazouch, Prague University of Economics and Business 
Kristýna Vltavská,Prague University of Economics and Business 
Samuel Ryckenberg,Prague University of Economics and Business
Alberta Journal of Educational Research (AJER), Volume 68, Number 1, 10 March 2022
This work examines the choices of individuals with respect to higher education in the Czech Republic and Canada. Specifically, how do the students’ socioeconomic backgrounds influence their study decisions. Data from the Czech edition of The European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions survey and the Canadian Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics was used to identify influences of students’ entry to university. Individuals from households with higher socioeconomic status were more likely to enter university than people who were less well off in both countries. Social selectivity is much more present in higher education in the Czech Republic than in Canada.