
Friday, May 6, 2022

Comparative examples of the evolution of thermal cameras in artwork diagnostics: an experimental perspective [Preprint - engrxiv, April 2022]

Comparative examples of the evolution of thermal cameras in artwork diagnostics: an experimental perspective
Dario Ambrosini, University of L'Aquila
Tullio de Rubeis
Giovanni Pasqualoni
Domenica Paoletti
engrxiv, 29 April 2022
In cultural heritage diagnostics, thermographic methods have gained great importance. The main reasons for their widespread use are the ability to allow remote and wide-field imaging of hidden features (such as structural defects, materials diversity, and deep alterations) as well as the vast possibility to gain additional information through quantitative data processing. The technological evolution of thermal cameras has also played a very important role. In this article, we want to discuss the effect that this evolution has had on cultural heritage diagnostics. We will do this from an experimental point of view, i.e., by comparing on laboratory models and then in a real case, the behavior of different thermal cameras.