
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Flowers in The UK Are Blooming a Whole Month Earlier Than They Did in The 1980s [ScienceAlert, February 2022]

Flowers in The UK Are Blooming a Whole Month Earlier Than They Did in The 1980s
Carly Cassella 

ScienceAlert, 2 February 2022
From the article:
For centuries, British flowers have been blooming like clockwork. A few months into spring, sometime around May or June, the nation bursts into color.  
Since the early 1980s, however, hundreds of plants have grown out of sync with the seasons, which means they're also unraveling from the complicated tapestry of interactions that keep ecosystems sustainably functioning.  
When analyzing the first blooms of 406 plant species from 1753 to 2019, researchers found a clear and worrisome shift.