
Monday, August 9, 2021

National University of Singapore (NUS) - COVID-19 tells us societies need social consciousness

COVID-19 tells us societies need social consciousness 
Andrew Delios
Professor Strategy & Policy, NUS
National University of Singapore (NUS), 26 July 2021
From the article:
* Follow the rules for the good of all. Follow social distancing measures, wear your mask, stay indoors. This collectivism was contrasted with individualism in Western nations. I decide whether I want to wear masks, I decide where I want to go. The individual freedom is viewed by some to be more important than the safety of others.  
* However, the Eastern and Western approaches to the virus are not as simple as a contrast between collectivism and individualism. No question, the ethos of a society affects how its people react to a crisis. But to understand more about the different societal responses to COVID-19, we need more nuance in our understanding of societies.