
Monday, March 8, 2021

Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa (1921 - 2020) - a renowned traditional healer, author, artist and philosopher

Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa

South African History Online, last updated: 6 April 2020

From this webpage:
*  He was initiated and became a Sangoma. When his father and stepmother heard about this, he was told never to set foot in their house again. Mutwa’s travels began right after this. Having no home to go back to, he left for Swaziland and developed a love for travel for it gave him an opportunity to gain knowledge and to search for the truth about his people. 
*  Mutwa was revered for his predictions of world events, including the destruction of New York’s World Trade Centre in 2001, the 1976 June 16 uprising, HIV, Chris Hani’s assassination, load shedding and the ousting of President Thabo Mbeki.
Here is a list of his books (in alphabetical order):
*  Africa is my witness (1966)
*  Indaba my children (1964)
*  Let not my country die (1986)
*  My people: Writings of a Zulu witch-doctor (1971)
*  Songs of the stars: The lore of a Zulu shaman (2000)
*  Woman of Four Paths: The story of a strange black woman in South Africa (2007)
*  Zulu shaman: dreams, prophecies, and mysteries (2003)