
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

British Council - Free Live Webinars from 17 - 29 June 2020 - Expert panellists explore topics relating to the theme: Global learners, global innovation

Join the international higher education conversation this June by attending our virtual live webinars


Overall theme:
Global learners, global innovation

Webinar topics & date:
* 17 June 2020 - What is the future of transnational education?
* 18 June 2020 - How best can we shape education reform to improve employment outcomes in a changing world?
* 19 June 2020 - Does tertiary education have any role in development?
* 22 June 2020 - Comparing apprenticeship systems against each other and a global standard
* 23 June 2020 - International education - the beginning of a new era, or not?standard
* 24 June 2020 - Leading with Integrity: sustaining ethical leadership & governance in HE
* 24 June 2020 - Social impact as a strategic driver in higher education
* 25 June 2020 - From Global Goals to Global Learning
* 26 June 2020 - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education - #AllMeansAll
* 29 June 2020 - Global learning in a post-Covid world

For more information & to register for a webinar: