
Monday, May 4, 2020

World Economic Forum, 1 May 2020 - The future of work is here: 5 ways to reset labour markets after coronavirus recovery

The future of work is here: 5 ways to reset labour markets after coronavirus recovery

Saadia Zahidi

World Economic Forum, 1 May 2020

From the article:
* "The coronavirus crisis has hurried the arrival of the “future of work”. 

* Lockdown has seen widescale remote working, increasing automation, a global revaluation of the care economy and a more visible lack of social protection within the gig economy. 

* There is an opportunity to “build back better” in 5 areas: reskilling and upskilling; supporting the jobs of tomorrow; prioritizing redeployment and re-empoyment; re-evaluating essential work and improving the quality of jobs; and resetting education, skills and jobs systems for the post-pandemic recovery."

To read this article: