
Monday, April 20, 2020

Higher Ed and COVID-19: National Student Survey (April 2020) - conducted by Simpson Scarborough

Higher Ed and COVID-19: National Student Survey

Survey conducted by:
Simpson Scarborough

Available (pdf):

From the survey introduction:
"The purpose of this study is not to gather more data, but better data. To ask the questions that lead to meaningful insight. To help institutions make informed decisions at a time of incredible uncertainty. Because higher education has never been more critical to the future health, wellbeing, and success of our country than it is right now. 

We’re living in unprecedented times. No one actually knows how this crisis will find its end, but we do know that we can’t afford to wait around to find out. It’s in times like these that our fidelity to data-driven decision making must be at its highest because there’s too much at stake to rely on anecdotal conclusions. 

In releasing our survey, we hope to provide colleges and universities insight that will help them enroll and retain their 2020 fall class — but with the caveat that our findings are on a national level."