
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Do you know about UNESCO's international-orientated, career-focused, and flexible, IIEP's training programmes?

UNESCO's international-orientated, career-focused, and flexible, IIEP's training programmes  provides "training for education planners and managers, allowing them to adopt the delivery mode that best meets their own needs and interests."

According to UNESCO, all programmes "are geared to strengthening national capacities to analyse and formulate sound education policies and realistic education plans, and to effectively manage education resources, including human and financial resources. 

Training programmes can be followed both in residential mode and online and ranging from 2 weeks courses to one year." 

Courses are available in English and French.

To download the brochure:

Upcoming courses in the Specialized Courses Programme (SCP):
[Includes the entry requirements, as well as the application and selection procedures.]