A Match Made in Cyberspace: Applicant Perspectives on Virtual Residency Interviews
Shirley Chen, Melanie Schroeder, Thomas Kun Pak, Emelyn Zaworski, Natasha Topolski, Kseniya Anishchenko, Esther Bae, Whitney Stuard, Christina Zhu, Shanon Quach, Sahar Panjwani, Shyon Parsa & Jay Patel
medRxiv, 9 February 2022
[Note: This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed.]
Purpose The COVID-19 pandemic precipitated an entirely virtual 2020-2021 residency application cycle. As many specialties plan to continue virtual interviews, it is essential to evaluate what aspects worked well and what can be improved.
Methods From April to June 2021, authors surveyed participants of the 2020-2021 Match about their experiences with the virtual application cycle. Survey items asked about benefits and drawbacks of virtual interviews, the utility of social media, and thoughts regarding preference signaling mechanisms and application/interview limits.