
Thursday, January 20, 2022

Are We Living a Sixth Mass Extinction? [BBVA, December 2021]

Are We Living a Sixth Mass Extinction?
Marcos Morales Peláez
Professor of Biology and Geology and editor at 
BBVA, 21 December 2021
From the article:
“The world is, and always has been, in a state of flux.” With this simple phrase, the IUCN –International Union for Conservation of Nature– began its 2007 report with data regarding endangered species featured on their Red List. Perhaps the brevity of our existence causes us to forget, but this phrase reminds us that we live on a dynamic planet. One with several natural processes such as the natural selection of species and the collision of tectonic plates under our feet. Extinction is also a process such as these that is imperceptible, but that occurs continuously and constantly.