
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

PLOS (2020) - A multiphase program for malaria elimination in southern Mozambique (the Magude project): A before-after study

A multiphase program for malaria elimination in southern Mozambique (the Magude project): A before-after study
Beatriz Galatas, Francisco Saúte, Helena Martí-Soler, Caterina Guinovart, Lidia Nhamussua, Wilson Simone, Humberto Munguambe, Camilo Hamido, Júlia Montañà, Olinda Muguande, Francois Maartens, Fabião Luis, Krijn Paaijmans, Alfredo Mayor, Quique Bassat, Clara Menéndez, Eusebio Macete, Regina Rabinovich, Pedro L. Alonso, Baltazar Candrinho & Pedro Aide

PLOS, 14 August 2020

Background (from the Abstract):
Malaria eradication remains the long-term vision of the World Health Organization (WHO). However, whether malaria elimination is feasible in areas of stable transmission in sub-Saharan Africa with currently available tools remains a subject of debate. This study aimed to evaluate a multiphased malaria elimination project to interrupt Plasmodium falciparum malaria transmission in a rural district of southern Mozambique.